10G Platform
What is 10G?
The 10G platform is a combination of technologies that will deliver internet speeds 10 times faster than today’s networks. Not only does 10G provide faster symmetrical speeds, but also lower latencies, enhanced reliability and better security in a scalable manner. Watch the video.
Introducing 10G
The Need for 10G
What is 10G?
10G is Closer Than We Think
Economic Advantages of 10G
10G Enables Innovation
The 10G Experience
The Need for 10G
The Economy Depends on 10G
10G Compliments 5G
10G Benefits Everyone
How does 10G work?
We provide operators with all the necessary technologies, or tools, to get to 10G. They can pick and choose from the toolbox which technologies best fit their customers’ needs.
When will 10G be available?
We’ve already laid the foundation for 10G with cable networks currently offering 1 gigabit (gigabit-per-second download speed) service across 80 percent of the U.S., up from just 4 percent in 2016. Similar gigabit services are available worldwide. Here’s just a few of our members’ 1 gigabit offerings: Mediacom, Comcast, Cox, Charter, Shaw, Midco, Liberty Global and Rogers.

10G: The Next Great Leap in Broadband (PDF)
Download PDF
Assessing the Economic Potential of 10G Networks (PDF)
Download PDFHow can you experience 10G?
10G technology will revolutionize the way we live, work, learn and play.
Seamless connectivity with mobile convergence
Mobile subscribers reached close to 6 billion in 2020.
As our everyday lives become increasingly digitized, we rely on computers, mobile phones and modems for everything life throws at us. The 10G platform will allow for seamless connections anytime anywhere on any device.
Learn more about network convergence and Connexus.
Learn more about how cable is an enabler for 5G.
Advanced medical care
The results of a year-long remote patient monitoring pilot from Geneia showed a savings of over $8,000 annually per person when patients were monitored remotely.
10G will enable remote diagnostics and high capacity medical radiology, helping doctors monitor patients from anywhere in real-time – giving people, including the elderly, peace of mind that they’re living a healthier life.
Life-like high-resolution graphics and responsiveness for gamers
Gamers need less than 75 to 100 milliseconds of latency for a good gaming experience.
For gamers, 10G’s low latency and faster speeds will take online gaming to new levels with higher resolution graphics and increased responsiveness.
A virtual world of holodecks and interactive video walls
In education, learning will become more engaging and dynamic through 10G enabled technologies, like interactive video walls and head-mounted displays – giving children new interesting ways to learn and engage.
Long-range augmented reality for businesses
In a 2018 study by UpWork, 63% of companies employed remote workers.
10G will also enable businesses to not only have the speed, reliability and security that their consumers demand while keeping them competitive, but it will also open new avenues for revenue and resourcing through technologies such as distance virtual reality that bring people together from across the globe – giving businesses a greater ability to collaborate and grow.
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